
Course Number:  18120121

Prerequisites:  Diagnostics and Pandect of Surgery

Credits (hours per week, Lecture/Practical):  4.5 (3-3)

Year:  4th year 1st semester



This course includes four part. The first part is anatomy & physiology of female genital system. The second part is perinatology. The third part is Gynaecologic diseases.The last part is sterility and family planning. The main goal of curriculum is to enable the undergraduate students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes in the discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology as essential for a general practitioner.




The student should be able to:

• Make diagnosis and organize management of antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period of normal and abnormal pregnancy;

• Provide adequate care of common gynae problems and emergencies

• Manage common gynae problems and emergencies

• Provide Counseling and delivery of fertility regulation methods.

• Acquire knowledge of methods of termination of pregnancy.

• Develop communication skills.

Practical & clinical training

• Students should be trained about proper history taking, clinical examination.

• Advicing relevant necessary investigations and their interpretation and management.

• Posting in OPD, wards, operation theaters, labor room and family planning clinics.

• Students should observe common OPD procedures like, D&C, MTP, Pap Smear, CuT

insertion. Observe normal deliveries, forceps and ventouse assisted deliveries, cesrean section.

• Ligations, minilap procedures like abdominal, vaginal hysterectomy.


I Basic Sciences

1. Normal & abnormal development, structure and function of female urogenital systems.

2. Endocrinology related to female reproduction.

3. Development, structure & function of placenta, umbilical cord & amniotic fluid.

4. Anatomical & physiological changes in female genital tract during pregnancy.

5. Anatomy of fetus, fetal growth & development, fetal physiology & fetal circulation.

6. Physiological & neuro-endocrinal changes during puberty disorders, adolescence, menstruation,

ovulation, fertilization, climacteric & menopause.

7. Gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation & early development of embryo.

8. Normal pregnancy, physiological changes during pregnancy, labour & puerperium.

9. Immunology of pregnancy.

10. Biochemical and endocrine changes during pregnancy, including systemic changes in cardiovascular, hematological, renal, hepatic and other systems. (Anaemia)

11. Biophysical and biochemical changes in uterus and cervix during pregnancy & labour.

12. Role of hormones in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

13. Markers in Obstetric & Gynaecology – Non neoplastic and Neoplastic Diseases.

14. Pathophysiology of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia in

healthy and diseased conditions.

15. Normal and abnormal pathology of placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid and fetus.

16. Normal and abnormal microbiology of the genital tract – bacterial, viral & parasitic infections

responsible for maternal, fetal and gynaecological disorders.


II Obstetrics

1. Physiology of normal pregnancy, diagnosis of pregnancy, routine antenatal care, management

of common symptoms in pregnancy, investigations to be carried out in pregnancy;

2. Drugs prescription during pregnancy and lactation

3. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy

4. Anaemia in Pregnancy : Heart disease in pregnancy

5. Antepartum haemorrhage

6. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

7. Antenatal Fetal Surveillance

8. Rhesus Negative Pregnancy

9. Disorders of liver, kidneys in pregnancy

10. Multiple pregnancy

11. Puerperium, and its complications


III Gynaecology

1. Anatomy of fetal genital tract, and its variations, supports of uterus, developmental anomalies of uterus.

2. Ectopic pregnancy; epidemiology, early diagnosis and management.

3. Physiology of menstruation, common menstrual problem.

4. Amenorrhoeas

5. Fibroid uterus

6. Prolapse uterus

7. Vaginal discharge, sexually transmitted diseases

8. Precancerous lesions of female genital tract (cervix, vagina, vulva)

9. Carcinoma Cervix, epidemiology, staging diagnostic procedure, treatment.

10. Carcinoma Endometrium

11. Carcinoma ovary

12. Carcinoma vulva

13. Gestational Trophoblastic disease

14. Menopause and related problems

15. Endometriosis

16. Genital Tract Fistulae

17. Adolescence, Pubertal changes, disorders of puberty

IV Contraception, Neonatology and Recent Advances

1 Contraception (Female)

2 Medical terminal of pregnancy – safe abortion – selection of cases, technique and management of complication of medical and surgical procedures, MTP law Medical abortion and Emergency Contraception.

3 Care of new born, neonatal resuscitation, detection of neonatal malformation.



One lecture session for 3 hr will be held each week.

One weekly 3 hr practical session will be held.

The final examination (2 hr) will contain a mixture of types of questions (multiple-choice short-answer questions and essay questions).



6th year 1st semester: 6 weeks

Practical skills to be imparted during ward posting


a. History taking and examination of a pregnancy woman

b. Watching progress of labour and conduct of a normal labour

c. Management of third stage of labour, prevention and treatment of post partum haemorrhage

d. Witness caesarean section, breech delivery, forceps and vacuum delivery

e. Essential care of a newborn

f. Non stress testing of fetus; biophysical scoring of fetus


a. How to take history and examination of female pelvic organs

b. Making of pap smear, wet smear preparation on vaginal discharge

c. Minor gynaecologic procedures : cervical biopsy, endometrial biopsy, dilatation & curettage; fractional curettage

d. Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) : in first & second trimesters

e. Insertion and removal of intrauterine contraceptive device

Operative Skills

a. Conduct of normal delivery

b. Making and repair of episiotomy

c. Insertion and removal of intrauterine device

d. Making of pap smear

e. Performing minilap tubectomy (under supervision)



Each session will be offered to the entire class.

An assistant will act as liaison between students and teachers, and will be responsible for taking attendance, collecting exam papers, and related matters.



Students’ performance will be evaluated on the basis of attendance at lectures and participation in practical tests (30%) and scores on the final examination (70%).



Alan H. DeCherney, Lauren Nathan(2004) Current Obstetric & Gynecologic Diagnosis & Treatment . 9th Edition.USA:The McGraw-Hill companies.


Cunningham, Norman F Gant, Kenneth J Leveno , et al. Williams Obstetrics, 21st edition, McGraw –Hill companies.

Jonathan SBerekMD MMSc. Novak’s GynecologyNovak’s Gynecology ,13th edition , USALippincott Williams & Wilkins